Student loan consolidation allows you to consolidate or combine several educations loans into the one loan. Student consolidation loan combines several student or parent loans into one larger loan from a single lender, which is then used to pay off the balances of the other or older loans. They provide you an ease of paying back the loan in alternative repayment plans and make monthly payments more convenient. Consolidation loans are available for most federal loans. Some lenders also offer private consolidation loans for private education loans as well.
Most of the payday loan borrowers are student as they face many financial difficulties in paying school fees, transportation fees and living expenses etc. To eliminate the financial stress, many students go for online short term loans. These loans help them with every need till they complete their college or school. The amount of loans varies according to the level of the education. It means that the students in college can get more student loan in comparison to students who are still in school. Interest rates on these loans are less compared to other payday loans and students have to pay back off the loan amount after completion of their studies.
Student Loan Consolidation
Students can borrow short term loans more that once and in that case, it become difficult of them to pay back them suddenly after the studies. So to overcome this problem, consolidation program has been started for the US students which combine different loans into one loan. Cost for creating these loans is much lower than paying interest rates for different loans individually.
- A student must have borrowed at least one loan to get consolidated.
- There is no limit on loan amount to be consolidated.
- The private loans and federal loans cannot ne consolidated together.
- The new interest rate for new created loan is 1/8% to the total amount.
- The students have rights to extend the repayment period to 30 years.
- With the loan consolidation, the applicants do not have to worry about the multiple payments per month.
- Interest Rate will be calculated by taking into account individual rates on individual rates on individual loan borrowed earlier.
- Consolidation allows the students to put all of your loans together and make one monthly payment hence reducing your monthly stress.
- The students can make repayment plans according to them.
- If you need to reduce the payments on your loan through an extension of the repayment method, Consolidation might help you with that.
- If you are having variable rate loans, then you may get an interest rate break.
- Consolidation helps in extending the repayment period, and lowering the monthly payments. But it creates more overall costs on interest rate and extends that loan further to the future. The consolidation on loan can extend your loan for lifetime and increases your stress.
- If you are close to paying off your loan, then don’t ever think about the consolidation on loan.
- If you consolidate federal loans into the private loan, then you may lose some rights by consolidating. You may lose some options and protection facility if you ever try to consolidate certain federal loans with other private short term loans.
- Changing in the financial policy does not bring any decrease in individual interest rates on several loans and it will not affect any newly created interest value even if it is higher. Thus sometimes the applicant may get higher interest rates.
- The longer repayment period can disturb the domestic life of the student after the student life. If any student extends the repayment period then he/she will end up in paying back the loan amount for longer time. During this time, they have to pay the monthly payments plus interest amount. Hence, it disturbs your personal plus financial life.
Before you apply for consolidation on your student loan, make sure that you understand all the cons and pros of consolidation the Loans. You must know that the timing for these loans is very long and critical. With just a few exceptions, you get only one chance to combine with the federal loan programs. But keep one thing in mind that it is very dangerous to consolidate federal loans into the private ones. You will lose your rights under the federal loan programs once you choose to consolidate with a private lender.